The Gigabit
Voucher Scheme

The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme is a part of the Government’s Project Gigabit programme which is aiming to connect businesses and residents in some of the hardest-to-reach places in the UK to gigabit-capable broadband.

The voucher scheme has been set up to help provide additional funding towards the cost of installing gigabit-capable broadband to your premises when part of a group project (minimum of 2 premises).

Property Eligibility

All eligible properties (both business and residential) can receive up to £4,500 worth of funding. Individual vouchers are collected to subsidise a proportion of the costs required to build the network and install it directly to your property.

To obtain a voucher your property must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Must be defined as rural by DEFRA
  • Must receive broadband speeds less than 100Mbps
  • The new connection must double the existing connection speed
  • Must be a part of a group project - 2 or more properties
  • Must take a minimum 12-month service with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that is on Netomnia’s network.
  • Must be classified as Area 3 by Ofcom
  • Must not be in any public subsidy plans in the next 3 years.
  • Not have received a Gigabit broadband voucher already
  • Only one voucher per household or business

To check your eligibility, enter your postcode below

Your postcode

How to get involved

How the voucher is funded

  • We will pool your voucher pledge (completion of registration form) with other pledges from your local community.
  • Once enough vouchers have been received, we will request funding to be allocated to your local project by DSIT
  • Once requested, DSIT will contact you via email to confirm your voucher pledge. This email must be actioned within 28 days. Funding is not secured until this confirmation email is actioned.
  • Once the email is actioned, the voucher to build to your property will be issued. We will build our ultrafast full fibre network to your property within 12 months.
  • Once the network is live you will be contacted by Netomnia to place your order with a chosen internet service provider on our network
  • Once installed you will receive a second email from DSIT asking for your confirmation that your install is complete. This must be completed or you will be at risk of being charged an installation fee.


To help us make this project a success for you and your community, we would like to build the network as quickly as possible; please assist us in raising awareness of this scheme in your community.

The project is dependent on residents and local businesses pledging their voucher to our project.

If sufficient vouchers are not received the project may not go ahead. If the project is unsuccessful, we will contact you to confirm we are not progressing with the project.

Not in a project area?

If your address is not included in a project at this time, you can register your consent for future consideration. If we establish a project in your area or bring your address into an established project, by completing our registration of consent, you agree for us to contact you in the future.

To check your eligibility, enter your postcode below

Your postcode